hammeskrause architects bda

our competition corner - here new ideas and cool designs are created

setting off participating thinking ahead -searching for traces on 424 pages - 2020 published by birkhäuser verlag


c[ollaboration with renato settembre since 2017](https://hammeskrause.de/en/topic/artproject-hammeskrause/)

b[eginning of a project and collaboration with judith brucklacher from 2010 to 2016](https://hammeskrause.de/en/topic/artproject-hammeskrause/)

space to come together and the place for our monthly office meetings

artistic view of the year - renato settembre - 2022

artistic view of the year - renato settembre - 2020

Our VR corner

BIM to field

BIM to field

Immersive Engineering Lab at Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart

In the four-sided-CAVE