Iberian Village of San Antonio - Calaceite (5th century BC)

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Department 5

In the central area of ​​the new extension is the so-called 5th Apartment, which is, without a doubt, the largest home in the town with about 100 m2 of useful area on the ground floor, at least 7 rooms, a long side hallway with stairs. partially excavated in the rock and two small access entrances that are located in the highest part of the house, next to the street that delimits the two phases of the town. That the house, in its lower part, had more than one floor since loom weights appear on a fill of earth and not on the ground.

Initial Town 5th century BC

In the town of San Antonio, two phases of occupation can be clearly distinguished. The first, corresponding to the 5th and 4th centuries BC, is located in the highest part of the hill and corresponds to a small town with a central street with about thirty rectangular homes that were initially protected by a small wall and several towers.

Extension of the town S. III BC

The second phase, dated to the 3rd century BC, involved an expansion of the old settlement after the construction, on a lower terrace, of a dozen large houses aligned and attached to each other that were surrounded by a new wall at the eastern end of which, and protecting a small access door, a large semicircular tower stood out. Next to this tower, a large pond was built to collect rainwater.