Mazaleón Town Hall and prison (18th century)


Some incised graffiti (numerals, accounts, compass circles, etc.) and others painted in charcoal on the wall are preserved.


It is accessed through a small lintel door. It preserves the original bolt: an element that is completely embedded in the wall, so it had to be done at the same time as the work of the wall itself.

Dungeon Interior

Located on a lower level, it is an authentic "dungeon", preserved in its original state. It is a narrow room, small in size and completely isolated from the outside. A brick pilaster with a rectangular section is preserved in it, with a hole in its lower area that was used as a latrine or waste pit. Next to the door there is a small window open in the wall, like a loophole or loophole. Its roof is lintel, made of wood or round logs. And the pavement retains the original dirt floor. Interior walls: Masonry with some areas of plaster. In this prison the original stocks are preserved intact. By means of the two beams joined by metal elements, located on the lower plane, the prisoners were held by the ankles. In an intermediate plane, another piece of wood served as a seat. In it you can see two holes of considerable size, through which the prisoners had to relieve themselves. Finally, another piece of wood fitted into the side walls had to be used to support the arms.