
Due to the quick-changing seat configuration, six comfortable beds are available for night flights.

Key Facts:

Key Facts: Passgenger configuration      13 seats Nonstop Range:                  11,500 km Maximum Crusing Altitude    13,500 m Crusing Speed                    910 km/h   |   565 mph  |   488 kt Cabin Dimensions                Length 14.73 m  |   Width 2.49 m   |   Height 1.91 m Cargo bay                          5.24 m3 Engines                             2 Rolls-Royce turbofans BR700-710A2-20 each with 65.6 kN of thrust

The cabin is lavishly furnished with a fully equipped galley including an espresso machine, two lavatories, DVD & CD player, Airshow monitors, printer and fax machine, Wi-Fi internet and a satellite telephone

Exclusive selection

Experienced and well-trained Passenger Service Attendants offer an individual service on board Exclusive choice of meals and beverages, especially selected to meet the customers' individual requirements