Salis Medrese:

Salis Madrasa: Meaning the 3rd Madrasa, Salis Madrasa has a conference hall, classrooms, academician offices, kitchen, cafeteria, inner courtyard and masjid.


Darulhadis: The Darulhadis building houses academic offices, classrooms, a dining hall and a cafeteria. The Darulhadis also houses the office of Ebussuud Efendi, one of the famous sheikhulislams of the Ottoman Empire.


Darulkurra: Darulkurra has a conference hall reserved for various events.

Süleymaniye Campus

Welcome to Süleymaniye Campus... Darulhadis, Darulkurra, Salis Madrasa and Mülazimler Madrasa, built by Mimar Sinan, house the Faculty of Islamic Sciences and the Alliance of Civilizations Institute programs.