Public - Showroom Bovine ART Products
CowScope video endoscope
The multi-functional video endoscope, CowScope, is designed for breeders, veterinarians, and AI technicians. It serves as a tool for reproduction management, bovine insemination, and training. [Read more](
MiniReader, photometer for progesterone assay in serum or milk
Reliable determination of ideal time for AI and ovulation in bovine as one of the most critical steps for successful breeding. [Read more](
Video Henryetta, artificial cow, AI training model
Warming cabinet/Universal oven
For drying, warming and sterilization of lab materials. [Read more](
Ultrasound device Versana Active
For veterinary ultrasound scanning, providing reliable and powerful technology for an outstanding image quality and a secure diagnosis. [Read more](
Photometer SDM 6
Used to determine semen concentration including dose calulation. [Read more](
Laboratory heating plate
For keeping samples, media, plastic and glassware warm. [Read more](
Video AndroVision®: CASA software with PC and monitor
Antibiotic supplement for one-step extender for bovine semen
Antibiotic formula in powder according to CSS protocol. [Read more](
Low pressure sterilizer, specially designed for artificial vaginas and accessories. [Read more](
Aspiration pump for bovine OPU
OPU pump for follicle aspiration, oocyte collection in bovine with durable casing. [Read more](
Ultrasound probe holder for bovine OPU
For bovine OPU (ovum pick-up). [Read more](
BoviPlus OPU recovery medium
For collection of bovine oocytes. [Read more](
Stereo-zoom microscope
Developed for use at universities, laboratories and industry. [Read more](
Micropipettor for embryo handling
Easy and precise pipetting by handling wheel, for all sizes of capillary tubes up to 1 ml. [Read more](
BoviHold, embryo holding medium
For washing and storage of in vivo bovine embryos in atmospheric air. [Read more](
BoviFlush, embryo recovery medium
Ready-to-use medium for bovine embryo recovery. [Read more](
EmSafe system for embryo collection
All-in-one dual purpose filter and search dish that requires no attention during flushing procedure. [Read more](
Embryo flushing catheters
All sizes allow high flow of flushing media in combination with high-flow Y-junction. [Read more](
MiniThaw thawing unit
With lift, electronic control unit and digital temperature display. [Read more](
Cytology Brush for uterine sampling in cows
Disposable set for collecting endometrial cells for cytology. [Read more](
Bovine insemination kit
with case and thaw unit. Contains everything needed for bovine insemination.
Insemination glove
[Read more](
MiniCutter for semen straws
Precise cut of 0.25 and 0.5 ml straws. [Read more](
Egg yolk-free concentrated extender medium for freezing of bull semen and semen of other ruminants. Also suitable for the preservation of fresh semen. [Read more](
Minitube media library
Catalogs, Technical Reports, SpermNotes®... [Read more](
Electro ejaculator
Semen collection is made easier, especially from older semen donors that may be difficult to stimulate. [Read more](
Artifical Vagina
Minitube offers artificial vaginas for semen collection in four different lengths to suit all kinds and sizes of bulls. [Read more](
Bead bath, lab incubator for tubes
The bead bath is a temperature controlled incubator for sample tubes of varying sizes (up to 25 mm diameter). [Read more](
iMale RFID reader
For electronic eartags with bluetooth connection to label printer. For electronic semen donor identification. [Read more](
Video MultiCoder, printer for lab items
Video MPP Uno, automatic filling and sealing machine for semen straws
Video Minitube straws
EasyCoder, automatic printer
Bovine collection dummy, stationary
Comfortable semen collection for technician and bull. [Read more](
Disposable inner liner for bovine AV
With integrated semen collection vial. [Read more](
Semen collection set for Electro ejaculator
[Read more](
Pregnancy tract for Henryetta with pregnancy signs of approx. day 42
[Read more](
Cervix of difficult passage
For advanced trainees. [Read more](
ReproJelly, non-spermicidal lubricant
Ideal viscosity to better coat gloves, artificial vaginas, AI pipettes and instruments. [Read more](
Semen collection glove
For hygienic collection of semen, non-spermicidal, latex free, powder free. [Read more](
Biladyl® (A)
Concentrated extender medium for freezing of bull semen and semen of other ruminants according to CSS regulations. [Read more](
Electronic precision scale
For the determination of the ejaculate volume or for weighing out extender. [Read more](
Video Minitube Group
Disposable counting chamber
For semen concentration measurement with CASA systems, i.e. AndroVision®. [Read more](
SmartDispenser 2.0
The combination of pump, balance and control unit allows a highest possible dosage accuracy of extender in the semen laboratory. [Read more](
Concentrated extender medium for freezing of bull semen. [Read more](
Water bath
With angular lid and electronic temperature control. [Read more](
Y-junction tubing
[Read more](
Culture dish 5 wells with lid
Embryo culture dish, rounded well edges. [Read more](
Embryo Transfer and and OPU/IVP
[Read more](
QuickLock Heater 4.0
The QuickLock Heater 4.0 warms AI and embryo transfer devices, so that thawed semen, and embryos respectively, maintain the optimal temperature until it is inseminated/they are transferred. [Read more](
Insemination and Diagnostics
[Read more](
Semen Collection
[Read more](
Semen Straw Processing
[Read more](
Antibiotic supplement for two-step extender for bovine semen
Antibiotic formula in powder according to CSS protocol. [Read more](
Synthetic concentrated medium for bull semen. For freezing as well as for preservation of fresh semen. Contains no ingredients of animal origin. With antibiotic formula according to EC requirements. [Read more](
Concentrated extender medium for freezing of bull semen. [Read more](
Catalog Bovine Reproduction Technology
Semen Freezing
Warming bag for AV
For keeping the collection vial warm. [Read more](
Universal AI sheath
Absolutely tight fit with all types of straws. [Read more](
Video QuickLock AI guns
Cervix of easy passage
[Read more](
Pregnancy tract for Henryetta with pregnancy signs of approx. day 60
[Read more](
Product Leaflet: Training model cow Henryetta
DIUI sheath for 0.25 ml straw
Long, flexible sheath for insemination and embryo deposition deep inside the uterine horn. Split. [Read more](
Inner liner for bovine AV
[Read more](
Hygienic sheath
for transfer cannula. [Read more](
ET Cannula deep chamber
[Read more](
Embryo transfer cannula MT
First choice when cervical passage is difficult. [Read more](
Transfit Lateral ET sheath
[Read more](
freezing medium for bovine embryos. [Read more](
BoviPlus 0.25% Trypsin wash
Pre-freeze enzyme washing medium, satisfying IETS protocol requirements to qualify bovine embryos for export. [Read more](
Minitube IVP media
Minitube media for in vitro production of bovine embryos are stock solutions which are produced freshly upon demand. Media are prepared with purest water under hygienic conditions using laminar air flow and sterile filtration. [Read more](
Portable incubator
For transport of embryos/oocytes. Temperature range freely selectable between ambient and 55°C with digital temperature display. [Read more](
or manipulation of embryos and oocytes. [Read more](
MiniFlush® filter system for bovine and equine embryo collection
All-in-one dual purpose filter and search dish that requires no attention during flushing procedure. [Read more](
Bovine collection dummy, mobile
Comfortable semen collection for technician and bull. With hydraulic height adjustment. Rubber tires with security breaks. [Read more](
AndroVision® Analysis Report
AndroMed® CSS one-step
Egg yolk-free concentrated extender medium for freezing of bull semen and semen of other ruminants according to CSS regulations. [Read more](
The HTi is a new multi-channel control device for heating systems with a modern touch display. [Read more](
Product Leaflet: EasyCoder
Product Leaflet: iMale
Product Leaflet: ReproJelly
Product Leaflet: MPP Uno
Product Leaflet: Media for Bovine ET
Product Leaflet: Filter for Bovine ET
MPP Uno, automatic filling and sealing machine for semen straws
Seals and fills 1 straw per cycle (ideal for handling small volumes). [Read more](
EasyCoder, automatic printer
Thermal transfer printer with automatic straw supply. [Read more](
MultiCoder, printer for lab items
First and only system for semi-automatic direct print on lab items (semen straws, goblets, cassettes, culture dishes, marking labels and many more). [Read more](
AndroVision®: CASA software with PC and monitor
Highly precise automated system for computerized semen analysis. [Read more](
AndroScope, mobile semen analysis unit
AndroScope is a compact mobile CASA system that is based on AndroVision® and allows to analyze semen samples anywhere. Device and accessories are compactly stowed in one case. [Read more](
Video Henryetta, artificial cow, AI training model
Naturally sized and shaped cow model for artificial insemination training.
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Video AndroVision®: CASA software with PC and monitor
Highly precise automated system for computerized semen analysis.Read more
Video MultiCoder, printer for lab items
First and only system for semi-automatic direct print on lab items (semen straws, goblets, cassettes, culture dishes, marking labels and many more).Read more
Video MPP Uno, automatic filling and sealing machine for semen straws
Seals and fills 1 straw per cycle (ideal for handling small volumes).Read more
Video Minitube straws
Minitube straws are the basis of your reproduction success, designed to containing valuable genetics of bulls, stallions, dogs, rams and of many other domestic and wild animal species.Medium straws
EasyCoder, automatic printer
Thermal transfer printer with automatic straw supply.Read more
Video Minitube Group
Minitube products and services reach customers in over 170 countries around the globe. We are represented by a world-wide comprehensive network of regional partners and subsidiaries.Read more
Catalog Bovine Reproduction Technology
Video QuickLock AI guns
All-purpose guns for all types of straws and sheaths.Product Leaflet: Training model cow Henryetta
AndroVision® Analysis Report
Product Leaflet: EasyCoder
Product Leaflet: iMale
Product Leaflet: ReproJelly
Product Leaflet: MPP Uno
Product Leaflet: Media for Bovine ET
Product Leaflet: Filter for Bovine ET