Together. A digital, interactive and hybrid exhibition of international research
Identity & Communication
„Our final results of the workshop week take up the topic of identity and communication. To make it easier to overcome the language barrier between Croatian and German students, we developed games and posters to facilitate and encourage communication, but also to make people think. For our team, it was important not only to talk about identity and communication, but also to live it.Carolin Breckle / Jasmin Brüggemann / Tina Mihaljevic / Laureen Reck / Rebecca Ruchay / Sophia Triftopoulos
Destructive Traces
Together Workshop
Together Identity Movie
a journey through my fantasy world
Digital Natives
On Our Own Way
Identity and Communication
Danube for Food
Diskriminierung in den sozialen Medien
Mental Health
„Our idea was to represent the intercultural project „Together“ in connection with the words „openness and orientation“. We were thinking about how it is possible to merge us. For this we printed transparent foils that perfectly matched our faces. It was very fascinating to see how new, almost frightening portraits were created with the help of our faces.Despite all the difficulties, we grew together as a group. Through the thoughtful „strolling“ we perceived things very differently than in our normal everyday life and got to know Stuttgart even more intensively.“Dilan Gün / Selina Hommelsheim / Marlene Motz / Maja Pajtak / Carolin Spreiter / Valeria Scholl
„We identify our home city of Stuttgart with the large-scale construction project „Stuttgart 21“ and combined two different identity perspectives. We juxtaposed our shots of Croatian people working on German construction sites with their own self-portraits on social networks like Instagram. This illustrates the two sides of identity workers and at the same time the identity of the city.“Sabrina Bauermeister / Lena Kaiser / Freya Marschner / Doris Reda Lisa Schneider / Romina Vetter
On Our Own Way
„We wanted to connect orientation with our identity and understand the differences in our perceptions. Our task was simple: to get lost in Stuttgart and find our way back to each other. There are different ways to find your way: details, signs, the train, maps or communicating with strangers. No matter how, we found our way to our common goal. With our design, we reflect on our paths and show our different perspectives.“Sarah Durig / Philipp Fox / Oliver Fritz / Tomislav Herega / Steffen Hess / Josip Jelencic / Marlene Kogel / Michaela Lutz / Elisabeth Rösch / Nick Stäbler / Tim Zuchotzki
„It is an interplay of different architectural styles from two cultures. Osijek and Stuttgart. Together they form a new large skyscraper. The collage is highlighted by small 3D details.“Stella Cuscuna / Chantal Handor / Carolin Rössle / Anton Šarić / Mara Fee Schremmer / Celine Tornow
Design Thinking
Blurry World
Urban Society - All you need is love
Context: Foreign students spend most of their time at the university or in their halls of residence. The opportunities for them to interact with other students are limited. They often do not feel addressed and perceive Hungarian culture as too different from their own. Inspired by the song „All you need is love“ by John Lennon, a heart was designed. The aim of the heart pin is to create a sense of WE and to strengthen a statement for a society that is curious and open towards other cultures.David Kalwar / Justin Dyck / Johanna Loosz / Marta Nagy
Our Home
Workshop Osijek present in Stuttgart from 13-18.05.2019. Topic „Flaneur“
The concept of the flâneur formed the basis for the questioning and research of the first workshop in Stuttgart. The flâneur strolls through the city with the aim of becoming aware of his surroundings so that he is fundamentally impressed by what he experiences and observes. The students examined this individual and self-reflexive way of getting to know a (foreign) city, first alone, then in groups. They collected and sketched their impressions of the urban space in order to develop and work on their own questions and challenges regarding urban space in the further joint working process. At the end of the workshop week, the student groups presented their cross-media results in a pop-up exhibition at the university. Barbecues, joint museum visits, individual and joint working hours and individual appointments in the evening rounded off all phases of the workshop week.
Workshop Stuttgart present in Osijek from 13-20.10.2019. Topic „Flaneur“
The principle of the flaneur also formed the basis for the 2nd workshop in Osijek. In addition, numerous joint excursions and visits accompanied the programme in Croatia: the visit to the museum of Vučedol culture and the city of Vukovar, the visit to the Tvrđa, with a visit to an exhibition, joint traditional meals directly on the Danube, the meeting of an outside group of the art academy, which creates sustainable artistic sculptures in the forest. In addition to the digital presentations at the end of the workshop in Osijek, the group of students developed the „Osijek Journals“ with the collected material back in Stuttgart until the end of the semester. In the journals they reflected on the stay in terms of content and visuals. A main task for the editorial design was to remain in exchange with the Croatian students.
Workshop Stuttgart present in Osijek from 13-20.10.2019. Topic „Flaneur“
Workshop Stuttgart and Pécs online from 24-30.04.2020. Topic „In between I-solation“.
When Corona emerged in 2020, we decided to hold the Together Workshop Pécs with Stuttgart online. The epochal situation encouraged us to make Corona the topic of the workshop. To investigate the working and living situation of students changed under Corona conditions we used autoethnography as a „pre-task“ and as a joint scientific and artistic method. The students were asked to keep a (visual) diary for one week before the active phase began. With it they had to document their daily routines. During the active phase of the workshop, the students compared and discussed their entries. They presented their life and work situation by using site research methods. They reflected on their situation in brainstorming sessions and developed joint lookbooks. Finally they uploaded their results in a blog.
Workshop Stuttgart and Pécs online II 09.-13.11.2020. Topic „The new Normal“.
After we realized that we would continue to be challenged worldwide by the pandemic, we decided to repeat the first online programme in the second workshop. We implemented it more stringently: Autoethnographic research with a visual diary as a pre-task > Comparison of the entries > Focusing and filtering the common themes > Elaboration and visualisation in digital formats such as lookbooks or posters > Upload of the work results in the blog. The discussed topics and results were then further elaborated in cross-media formats (video, editorial design, posters) within the framework of the seminar.
Workshop Stuttgart and Pécs online III 26-30 April 2021 Topic „Behavioural Change“
In the 3rd and last online workshop with Pécs, our interest was to conclude the online series with a focused investigation of whether and how Corona changed people‘s behaviour during the pandemic. As a pre-task, the participating students were asked to conduct and transcribe „semi-structured“ interviews with different people from their (international) environment. In the following active phase of the workshop week, they compared and discussed their results and created together „international personas“ as representatives. They characterised and visualised these personas with the help of illustration and text-image references.
Behavioural Change
The Project
Design Process
Danube for Food
Food connects. We wanted to offer more food options along the Danube. The Danube should also be used as a source of food and a common food experience should be made possible, among other things by fishing together, growing vegetables, collecting wild herbs or preparing food. Communal, intercultural cooking events should offer the opportunity to discover a wide variety of food cultures.Séverine Bouyssou / Michelle Le Tran / Kim Dressler / Tülay Özbek / Villö Juász
Dogs versus Bikes, Sky Ride
We dealt with the phenomenon that different forms of mobility and user groups often get in each other‘s way along the Danube. For examples walkers with dogs and cyclists. From this we developed the concept of a highline for cyclists. The Sky Ride is conceived as a glass tube on steel girders and offers a completely new perspective on the city of Ulm.Julian Kornes / Marie Dienstmann / Hannah Sass / Katrin Wolfrum / Máté Móritz
Free Time: Cozy Room
The Cozy Room was conceived as an analogue and digital meeting place for students from all cultures. The room serves as an information platform for leisure activities in and around the city as well as a meeting point for social exchange. The students can get an overview with the help of an animated and interactive city map. A city quiz not only helps to discover the city, it also helps to identify common hobbies and interests and make it easier to meet up.Villö Juhász / Milán Dobos / Jasmin Liesenhoff / Ecaterina Cosceeva
Public Transport: Pécs Public Transport App
Many bus drivers do not speak English, information is difficult to access and not bundled via one medium. Good service design helps people from abroad to find their way around the city better. This automatically expands its radius. They feel more comfortable and are more open to the new city and its culture.Lilla Greff / Tamás Dani / Melanie Korn / Stefanie Spykra
Urban Spaces: Vrban Culture
Foreign students at the University of Pécs know little about urban spaces for intercultural encounters in the city. That is why their radius of movement and the places they visit are mostly limited to the centre of Pécs. The Coffee Shop‘ Vrban Culture creates opportunities for togetherness, exchange, coming together and intercultural understanding by jointly designing this urban space with content. It also serves as an information platform.Antonia Bauer / Milana Bulatovic / Andrea Balasz / Fanni Forizs / Luisa Blasizzo
Places of Living: CULDO – international Dormitory
Especially the foreign students live in student halls of residence. These places are very multicultural, but due to too cramped rooms and a lack of common spaces, this often leads to tensions and misunderstandings. Culdo (CULtural DOrmitory) is a novel housing concept and app. The intercultural added value of this project lies in promoting mutual understanding of cultural differences and avoiding conflicts due to cultural differences through digital apps as well as well thought-out housing concepts.Adrienn Tóthi / Mercédesz Kovács-Csincsák / Isabel Bortoli / Philipp Geyer
Workshop 2 03 - 09 November 2019 at the University of Pécs with students of the HfK+G Ulm, Germany.
The experiences from the first workshop were incorporated into the planning of the second workshop. In order to be able to enter the process more quickly, problem areas and related questions were given this time. These were derived from the study ‚Study in Hungary – international Students in Hungarian higher education institutions‘, which was evaluated by the Centre for Knowledge Management and Educational Research Inc. of the University of Pécs. These six thematic areas (daily routine, free time, public transport, places of living, urban spaces, urban society), which result in an examination of various problematic living situations of foreign students at the Pécs campus, were presented at the beginning of the workshop week and explored in the further course by six interdisciplinary and international student groups. The aim of the week was to analyse and deepen the problems with the help of the Design Thinking process and related methods, to develop a sound understanding of them, and to derive and visualise focussed, human-centred approaches to solutions.
Intercultural Blanket
Our concept is to invite you to a joint and intercultural picnic on the Danube. A picnic blanket laid along the shore several meters long, made up of flags from all nations, symbolizes hospitality and togetherness. As a connecting element, everyone can spread their own and culturally different delicacies and exchange traditional dishes and recipes. The condition was that the food was homemade and not bought, so packaging waste should also be avoided.Jana Binder / Benjamin Breidt / Vivien Madlener / Johannes Kemle / Andrea Balázs
Pop-up Bridge Café
Part of our research included walks and interviews with passers-by as well as lingering and observing on the bridge. Our concept of using the bridge as a connecting place and meeting place for people from Neu-Ulm and Ulm, in which we are staging a pop-up bridge café in the middle of the bridge, arose from the findings wanted, where residents from both parts of the city can meet. Humorous sayings on the coffee cups should be used to draw attention to prejudices against the other group.Annabell Lingenhöle / Jennifer Schulz / Kim Küchle / Hannes Habdank / Lion Baur / Mercédesz Kovacs-Csincsák
Workshop 1 20 - 24 May 2019 at the HfK+G Ulm with Students from the University of Pécs, Hungary
Ulm is a city located on the Danube, the second longest river in Europe. The Danube runs through 10 countries and was once the border of the Roman Empire. Today, we use it as a trade route, to navigate and connect countries, for international cooperation and as an important source of energy and drinking water. But what is life like on the river? What do the inhabitants associate with their river? How do they use it and what opportunities or needs arise from it? The Together workshop is a project between Ulm and Pécs, which aims to define innovative solutions to improve life and think up intercultural experiences along the Danube. The HfK+G in Ulm has invited 10 students from the University of Pécs – another city on the Danube – from different faculties for a week to study together and to design ideas along the Danube.
Trash Sculpture
We wanted to address the fact that we produce too much garbage and often leave it thoughtlessly in our environment. The ‚Trash Sculpture on the banks of the Danube, which could also be understood as an oversized rubbish bin, is gradually being filled with trash lying around by the strollers. This forms a big X. The X is supposed to be an exclamation for ‚Stop the garbage pollution. At the same time, the rubbish lying around is turned into an impressive upcycling object.Meri Pydannah / Sinem Misirli / Leon Geywitz / Valentina Schoser / Anna Virág Marfi
Hidden Stories along the Danube
We researched personal stories that connect people to the Danube. From this we developed an interactive, cross-border map. With the help of an app, pictures and stories can be shared and read along the Danube. This allows people from Budapest to get to know people from Ulm better, for example, and an intercultural exchange with the Danube as a connecting element is created.Veronika Remiger / Alicia Taisler / Desiree Krattenmacher / Justin Dyck / Eline Vrolijk / Réka Gregóczki
Online-Workshop 3 April 19th – 23rd, 2021 HfK+G Ulm and Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
The last workshop had to take place online due to corona. For five days, the students met in digital spaces to work together on concrete questions that they selected themselves in advance. To do this, they used tools such as Miro Board for brainstorming and Google Drive/Docs for their presentations. Quotes: „What is positive compared to our first workshop in 2019 is how the groups were put together. At the first workshop, the groups were drawn by lot and you then had to decide on a possible topic within the group. This year, on the other hand, the groups were formed by pitching different topics and allowing participants to decide on the problem they were most interested in. This made it much easier to get started with the project.“ Lion Baur „Throughout the week, we were in constant contact. Especially because of the long online calls, you got the feeling of being in a lively exchange at all times. Looking back, I realize that you hardly got to know each other in person, however, compared to the first project week in 2019. The daily exchange in person at that time not only made it easier to work with each other, but often people would digress in their conversations and talk elsewhere. Such private and personal communication hardly existed online.“ Katrin Wolfrum
Mental Health
We researched that mental health problems are the second most common cause of hospitalization among people aged 20-59 in Croatia. According to the World Health Organization, depression will be the most prevalent disease in Croatia by 2030. ‚Mind Waves – it‘s okay not to be okay‘ the Mental Health Issues app is aimed at both people who do not have mental health issues and people who struggle with mental health issues.Gabriela Ilić / Eline Vrolijk / Sabrina Bek / Tülay Özbek / Ecaterina Cosceeva
‚You already woke up – together against racism‘ is a campaign against digital racism. We created artistic photographs, a guerrilla marketing strategy and a social media as well as print campaign with ethnically colorful emojis and racist text messages to draw attention to the issue.Zorica Gojkov / Vanesa Vidačić / Ivan Nikolić / Marina Trollmann / Valentina Schoser / Hannah Sass / Janalie Greim
Coral Reef Destruction
We want to reach as many as possible and inform them about the problem of coral reef destruc- tion and its consequences for marine life. We do this with a website, social media campaigns and school events such as ‚A Coralful Day‘. For this, we have a learning kit with 3D models of corals in four different stages of decay and a question quiz.Josip Pratnemer / Valentina Damjanović / Marija Josipović / Johannes Kemle / Anna Asriyants / Hannes Habdank / Rieke Nickels
Plastic Waste Prevention
First we wanted to do an upcycling project, but then we decided to do a quiz inform app, which should inform in a playful way and create awareness for the problem. Users can test how much they know about plastic and how much plastic they use. The positive emotions and experiences are intended to motivate people to avoid plastic. In addition, the app shows where to dispose of plastic, where to shop plastic-free and where plastic-free zones are located.Nikša Borovac / Sarah Durig / Vivien Madlener / Kim Dressler / Rike Anna Bialas
lockdown covid 9 teen
Destructive Traces
Together Workshop
Together Identity Movie
a journey through my fantasy world
Digital Natives
On Our Own Way
„We identify our home city of Stuttgart with the large-scale construction project „Stuttgart 21“ and combined two different identity perspectives. We juxtaposed our shots of Croatian people working on German construction sites with their own self-portraits on social networks like Instagram. This illustrates the two sides of identity: the identity of the workers and at the same time the identity of the city.“Sabrina Bauermeister / Lena Kaiser / Freya Marschner / Doris RedaLisa Schneider / Romina Vetter
Identity and Communication
Danube for Food
Diskriminierung in den sozialen Medien
Mental Health
Design Thinking
Blurry World
Our Home
Workshop Stuttgart present in Osijek from 13-20.10.2019. Topic „Flaneur“
Behavioural Change
The Project
Design Process
lockdown covid 9 teen